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Canoeing at Reelfoot
courtesy of Reelfoot State Park

Reelfoot Lake offers some of the best quiet water canoeing in the state of Tennessee. Reelfoot is a must see  destination for scenic paddling. This shallow, cypress studded lake offers plenty of hidden areas along the shorelines. Wild plants and animals are abundant at Reelfoot. Who knows what this mysterious lake will offer to those that reach out of the way places that motor boats dare to travel.

 Reelfoot Lake was formed by a series of earthquakes in the winter of 1811 and 1812. It took less than five months to form the largest natural lake in Tennessee. Covering over 30,000 acres (15,000 of which are water), this natural wetland offers the most unique and diverse habitat for plants and animals in the state. The average depth of Reelfoot is only 5.2 feet deep.

 Reelfoot has many things to offer at different times of the year. During the fall, the colors the Bald Cypress trees offer some of the best viewing to those that paddle the routes on the lake. The Bald Eagles begin to appear toward the end of fall as well as large numbers of waterfowl, which stay through the winter. As spring approaches, the water level is usually high which offers more opportunity for exploring to those that like to venture off the routes. As summer approaches, the vegetation begins to grow and the water level begins to fall. This is the time to view numerous wildflowers and neo-tropical migrants that have returned for another summer.

Note: Water levels are important, especially toward the end of summer. Some areas may become to shallow to pass through, others may have thick vegetation, but are accessible. Call Reelfoot Lake State Park at 901-253-9652 or 901-253-7756 for information on water conditions.

Choosing A Route to Take

 Wind direction and wind speed can be major factors in choosing a canoe route at Reelfoot. There are large areas of open water that can affect your choice of boat launches. When windy choose a ramp carefully, trying to stay on the upwind side of open water.

 There are also areas of the lake that are closed during winter months for the yearly waterfowl migrations. The area between Brewer Bar Ditch and blackjack Pocket is closed between November 15 to February 1st. For more on the closed areas contact the State Park at 731-253-9652 or 731-253-7756.


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