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National Safe Boating Week will be observed May 16-27 this year. It was
observed the week of July 4th from 1957 until 1980. It was observed the
first full week of June from 1981 until 1993. It has been observed the
seven-day period ending on the last Friday before Memorial Day since
All boaters are encouraged to participate in Wear Your Life Jacket to
Work (or Home) Day on May 15, the day before National Safe Boating Week.
No matter where boaters are safely working, they can join in the fun by
wearing their life jacket and posting creative pictures on social media
for a chance to win a prize.
This is a great way to encourage others to boat responsibly, including
following state and local guidance for boating.
To participate boaters can share a picture of them wearing a life jacket
at work (or home) on social media along with the hashtag
#lifejacket2work and tagging @boatingcampaign (Facebook, Twitter, or
Don’t use social media? Email photos to
Winners will be chosen randomly throughout the day to receive boating
swag from the Safe Boating Campaign, such as t-shirts, dry bags, first
aid kits, stickers, and more.